How to disable the last account activity in Gmail

What is Last account activity?

Last account activity in Gmail shows you information about recent activity in your mail. Recent activity includes any time that your mail was accessed using a regular web browser, a POP client, a mobile device, a third-party application, etc.

How to understand this data?
Access type
If you're concerned about unauthorized access to your mail, you'll be able to use the data in the 'Access type' column to find out if and when someone accessed your mail. For instance, if the column shows any POP access, but you don't use POP to collect your mail, it may be a sign that your account has been compromised.
Location (IP address)
In this column They list the last 10 IP addresses your mail was accessed from, and the associated locations.
If you received a warning about suspicious activity in your account, you might also see up to 3 IP addresses that have been labeled as suspicious as well as the 10 normal IP addresses. If you usually sign in to Gmail using a single computer, your IP address should be the same, or start with the same two sets of numbers (for example: 172.16.xx.xx). Each row in the table represents an event where someone accessed your mail or attempted to sign into your account using the correct password. If you see an IP address that is unfamiliar to you, they suggest you change your password immediately to secure your account against unauthorized access. Your current IP address is displayed below the table. In most cases, we guess the location by matching your IP address to a broad geographical location. The location and IP mappings might not always be accurate, especially in cases where the logins are old.
If you have POP3 or IMAP enabled, you'll see this in your recent activity table. If you're using Mail Fetcher with another Gmail account, a Google IP will appear; this is simply because the messages are being fetched through our servers. In addition, if you use a third party service with your Gmail service, such as social networking sites, they can't guarantee the security of the third party service. In this case, you might consider using forwarding if possible. If not, please make sure that your account recovery details are fully up to date.
In addition, if you access Gmail on a mobile device, your login history will contain mobile logins that may appear to come from your carrier’s mobile Internet gateway(s). Note that mobile gateways may be in a geographic location far from the area where you’re accessing your account. If the address belongs to your mobile provider, this is considered legitimate access to your account.
If you’d like to look up the Internet Service Provider that owns and leases the IP address, you may use a free IP reverse search service such as
If you'd like to find more information than what's provided in the 'Last account activity section', it's Google's policy to only provide information pursuant to a valid third party court order or other appropriate legal process.
Concurrent sessions
If your mail is currently being accessed from another location, they'll list the other session(s) in a 'Concurrent session information' table. If there are other sessions displayed, this could mean that you simply have another browser window open with Gmail loaded, or that you're sign in on another computer (for example, if your home computer is signed in to Gmail while you're accessing your mail from work.) If you're concerned about any concurrent access, you can sign out all sessions other than your current session by clicking Sign out all other sessions.

How to Hide the Last Accessed Details in Gmail

Some users of Gmail prefer to turn off the Last Account Activity feature because they are receiving frequent alerts that their Gmail account has been accessed without their knowledge. The frequent alert on Gmail's recent activity occurs if the user is frequently travelling or using a mobile phone to access their Gmail messages. This is because the new IP address or location is detected by Gmail and since the said feature was designed to secure your account and privacy, you will be getting frequent alerts when your mobile phone is currently roaming in other networks with another IP address.
To hide the last accessed details in Gmail, simply select "Never show an alert for unusual activity"( Select change in Alert Preference) in the Details window of your last account activity. Google says it might take a week to disable the said alert to ensure that it's not another person or bad guys who turned the feature off.

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